Saturday, April 7, 2012

Seems like forever ago...

I remember back about 19 months ago when we first started to try to get pregnant, I heard about how easy it was for J to get pregnant with H and obviously, little H is proof of that story. In my head, I thought "this is going to be easy" and humble pie is what I've been eating ever since...

I knew we were going in a different direction from most of our friends who were trying to get pregnant as well, since they were all using sperm donors from a cryo bank and we were going to be using the real deal. No no no, I wasn't going to be having intercourse with our donor, but I would be using his semen and doing it at home, with what most folks think of, the turkey baster. Ok, all joking aside, I was am thankful we were using the same donor as H, since the product would be biologically related to her. And no, there is no turkey baster to be spoken of, but there have been lots of different techniques used! 

The first time we tried to get pregnant was in August of 2010. I was so good at being conscious of everything I was eating, not drinking, and doing. It consumed my thoughts, and at the same time was so exciting. I thought for sure I'd be the lucky girl who got pregnant first try since I have been so successful with everything else I've done in my life, but boy oh boy, was I wrong! 

Live Donor= our good friend, donor to H, gay male, wonderfully generous and willing to always help us every step of the way. Oh and he's very handsome as well! 

The following dates list our attempts:

August 2010: kel, live donor, at home (syringe)= BFN
October 2010: kel, live donor, at home (syringe) = BFN
November 2010: kel, live donor, at home (syringe) = BFN

December 2010- May 2011: Break

June 2011: kel, live donor, at home (syringe)= BFN
July 2011: kel, live donor, at home (syringe)= BFN

August 2011: Vacation in NY, Marriage, break
  J talks to co-workers regarding our TTC, discovers that my luteal phase may be short (it's 10-11 days at most) and determined it was time to see a fertility specialist

October 2011: First step with fertility clinic:
HSG complete 
lab work complete
all normal
sneak in another try, (kel, live donor, at home (syringe)= BFN 

November 2011: Finally see fertility doctor, Dr. K. Ultra-sound done, "functional" cyst discovered. Advised to return during next menstrual cycle to check cyst. Also received a verbal lashing about why we should be using unknown donor sperm and the potential "parental rights" of our live donor. J and I felt defeated, yet hopeful we would still be able to proceed in making the next baby biologically related to H. 

December 2011: Second visit to Dr. K, "functional" cyst still present, no change in size. Birth Control prescribed to eliminate any hormones causing cyst presence. Dr. K, was much nicer and spoke with more understanding about us using our live donor. 

January 2012: Third visit to Dr. K. No longer referred to as "functional" cyst, told it needed to be removed surgically. Advised that surgery will be at least a month away

February 2012: J and Kel discuss options, decide that J should try to become pregnant in case Kel cannot at this time. Kel had surgery to remove the cyst tumor. Surgery went well, Dr. K reports that insides look good and no issues that should effect fertility. 
J, live donor, at home (syringe)= BFN

March 2012: J decides she does not want to proceed in getting pregnant herself, she wants to focus on me. Kel waits for menstrual cycle. Follow up visit with Dr. K, clomid prescribed, all fingers crossed! 

April 2012: Kel, live donor, at home, clomid, (instead cup)= 2ww= BFN

May 2012: Kel, live donor, at home, clomid, syringe, instead cup= 2ww

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